Introducing Livepeer Studio - the video developer toolkit
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AboutDevelopersTokenholdersVideo MinersEcosystem
AboutDevelopersTokenholdersVideo MinersEcosystem
© Livepeer, Inc. 2023

The World's Open 
Video Infrastructure

Livepeer is a decentralized video infrastructure network.

Get Started


Get Started

What role will you play in the Livepeer network?

Jump in by choosing the option that best describes your interest:


Learn how to build and scale next generation streaming platforms and services at an industry shattering price through quick and reliable API access to the Livepeer network.


Help improve and secure the Livepeer network by acquiring and staking LPT. Earn ETH and LPT rewards in exchange.

Video Miners

Run a livepeer node and transcode video on your GPUs in exchange for ETH and LPT rewards.
A 10-minute Primer

Curious about how Livepeer works?

Through storytelling, illustration, and data, the Livepeer Primer explains, at a high level, the problem Livepeer solves and how it works.
Check it out
Project Statistics

Livepeer by the numbers

We’re proud of our history and growth and worked hard to get here.


Date founded


GPUs accessible to the network

13.1 M

LPT staked


Date founded


GPUs accessible to the network

13.1 M

LPT staked


Date founded


GPUs accessible to the network

13.1 M

LPT staked
Livepeer Communities

Join the Livepeer Community

Livepeer is an open project that believes in open source code and creative contribution from people with diverse interests and skillsets. Join us.

Join our Discord Server our forum on

Join our call

Every month, our community catches up with each other virtually. We hear about the latest updates from the core team and showcase what we’ve been working on. Calls happen on the second Thursday of each month @ 12pm EST.
Catch them live on